Sunday, October 2, 2011

Holy cow, it's been a long time!

"Once in a Blue Moose"
24" x 36" x 2"

Ooops.  I've gotten a little lax about keeping up with my blogs.  I think life just swept me up this summers and it was all I could do to keep my feet under me.  Now, as fall settles in, I am finding myself slowing down a little - and LOVING it.  So - here's to more painting and more blogging.  Yahoooo!

The blue guy above is a painting I finished recently (inspired from mountain trips in Colorado and Wyoming). They are funny looking creatures, aren't they? But magnificent!! It always gives me a rush when I see one in their natural habitat. Of course, it thrills me when I see a chipmunk in it's natural habitat!

Hope you enjoy!  Have a fantabulous day.