Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New things for 2010

Well, here I go. One of my (many) New Year's resolutions is to get my blog going. For someone who is completely undone by anything technological, this is a biggie for me. But here goes! Please bear with me.

Finally got my signed, limited edition prints up for sale on my website, www.dfritzlerstudio.com. I do prints because not everyone can afford original art and this way anyone can brighten up a wall in their home or office. I sell tons of these as gifts and they fit into a standard 11" x 14" frame, so you can get a nice frame cheap. The photo to the left is one of the prints available.

Getting back into the swing of things after the holidays. I really missed the studio! Am working on some new encaustics and am very happy with the results so far. I'll show you when I'm done.

In the meantime, enjoy each day and stay warm!