Thursday, October 28, 2010

Went to a killer workshop in Telluride a couple of weeks ago (before the snow started flying) to learn from Shawna Moore (encaustic artist extraordinaire) and Rebecca Crowell (incredible cold wax artist). I have been admiring their work for quite some time and was thrilled when I found out they were coming to Colorado!

I was so enthused that I came home from the workshop with 10 new paintings! This is one of them. It's encaustic (hot wax) and it told me it wanted to be soothing. Lots of cool colors with depth.

I'm heading to the studio right now to create more encaustics!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Headin' South" Still Life Contemporary with Pears by Dianna Fritzler

This acrylic painting is sure to brighten up any wall! Framed in a mahogany and gold-lipped frame, the image measures 20" x 10" and is $645. Available for purchase by contacting me at Be sure to also check out my website for more paintings

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Rendezvous

Here's a piece I did for an upcoming art show called "Interiors" at Arts at Denver Gallery on South Gaylord in Denver. I know, I know... I went a little out there, but mannnn was it fun! The whole ideas was to create a piece that depicts a gathering space where relationships blossom. The words in the background represent unspoken dialogue between two people. Now, believe me, I didn't know it meant all of that until I finished it. Then it all came together and I knew what it was trying to say. I wonder what the canvas will tell me tomorrow?!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fun with Wax!

It's been so cold here lately, I've decided to play with fire! Well, actually a blow torch and wax. I had some wooden cradled boards made and then made a plan of attack. My goal was to create large, simple abstracts that look more like wood than paintings. hmmm. Some did, others looked more like big blankets. I'm OK with that because for me encaustics (painting with a hot beeswax and resin with oil pigments) is all about letting go of expectations. Let's face it, you really can't have too many (expectations about the final outcome, that is) when your blowing hot wax around with a torch!

So, here are a couple my creations. Let me know what you think! And in the meantime, have a grand day!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New things for 2010

Well, here I go. One of my (many) New Year's resolutions is to get my blog going. For someone who is completely undone by anything technological, this is a biggie for me. But here goes! Please bear with me.

Finally got my signed, limited edition prints up for sale on my website, I do prints because not everyone can afford original art and this way anyone can brighten up a wall in their home or office. I sell tons of these as gifts and they fit into a standard 11" x 14" frame, so you can get a nice frame cheap. The photo to the left is one of the prints available.

Getting back into the swing of things after the holidays. I really missed the studio! Am working on some new encaustics and am very happy with the results so far. I'll show you when I'm done.

In the meantime, enjoy each day and stay warm!